The photovoltaic chair makes its way from Italy with Storage

The photovoltaic chair makes its way from Italy with Storage

5x10 storage unit

Innovation in the field of systems for capturing solar energy does not stop and, now, it takes a new twist especially designed for those who do not have a roof or a large enough surface to install the classic photovoltaic panels. For them, it makes its way from Italia Storage, a solar chair that, in addition to serving as a seat, captures and stores enough energy to power an LED / LCD television, eight energy-saving lamps, and a laptop for an hour.

To achieve this, this innovation designed by Ri-Ambientando and developed by SIAL, both Italians, incorporates a lithium battery that is connected to small photovoltaic panels that are placed wherever the chair does. This, in addition, not only stands out for its solar condition, but also for its futuristic design and for being 100% Italian.

Thus, aesthetic appeal, functionality and extension of solar energy to those who lack a roof on which to install the panels come together in this proposal that is also versatile. Storage "is a product that can be placed on any balcony, terrace or garden and that integrates very well," says the director of SIAL, Antonio Fischetto, who emphasizes the flexibility that this chair provides so that anyone can save energy thanks to renewables.

This project, which joins other very innovative in this field, such as the photovoltaic floor of the Spanish company Onyx Solar, or as the solar paper to cover walls developed by English scientists, is nevertheless waiting to make the leap to the phase of production. To this end, precisely, the promoters of the idea have launched a crowdfunding campaign that allows them to develop their solar chair.

Among the strengths of this innovation, the promoters of the new solar product that will go on sale for 590 euros, highlight that the energy captured and stored by Storage can be used in two ways. The first, with its connection to the domestic electrical network and, the second, with the direct contribution of energy to recharge small electronic devices.

The amount raised with this campaign will be used to produce this photovoltaic chair, but also to innovate on it. In fact, its creators are already shuffling news so that the chair also captures energy from the wind, all this, they say, "with the desire to achieve a greener future".


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